Moss’s career as a painter has taken a circuitous route: art restorer, photographer, illustrator, theatrical designer, animator, author.  Eight years as a patinator at The Metropolitan Museum of Art Conservation Department resulted in a travel grant to study medieval polychrome statuary and frescos throughout Europe. To support his painting he free-lanced for the Op-ed pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post, consequently leading to a 23-year contract with The Washington Post Writers Group as a nationally syndicated political satirist. A collection of his drawings was subsequently published, The Art and Politics of Geoffrey Moss, forwarded by CBS’s Dan Rather. His captionless iconic drawings, MOSSPRINTS “…an artist’s take on global politics” gained recognition with three Pulitzer-Prize nominations including one for his series on the Watergate Scandal and another for his 9/11 series, recognized with a solo exhibition at Washington D.C.’s Newseum.
Geoffrey Moss

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