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Jagger I
Janet Richardson-BaughmanJagger I
Jagger II
Janet Richardson-BaughmanJagger II
Jagger III
Janet Richardson-BaughmanJagger III
Jumbo Flat Hoops
Bart ArnoldJumbo Flat Hoops
Geoffrey MossJump!
Sold Out
Just the Worst Time of Year
Jo BarryJust the Worst Time of Year
Richard BritellKiev
John BaughmanLampoc
Land, Sky, Sea
David EddyLand, Sky, Sea
Landscape I
John BaughmanLandscape I
Jane CooperLandscape I
Landscape II
John BaughmanLandscape II
Jane CooperLandscape II
Landscape III
John BaughmanLandscape III
Lao Tzu: Homage or, To Just Be
Joby BakerLao Tzu: Homage or, To Just Be
Last Rites
Geoffrey MossLast Rites
Geoffrey MossLatch
Late In The Day
Joan GriswoldLate In The Day
Bart ArnoldLayover
Leading West I
John BaughmanLeading West I
Leading West II
John BaughmanLeading West II
Leading West III
John BaughmanLeading West III
Leading West IV
John BaughmanLeading West IV
Leading West V
John BaughmanLeading West V
Leading West VI
John BaughmanLeading West VI
Leading West VII
John BaughmanLeading West VII
Leaf-shaped Red Ring Bowl
Jerry BennettLeaf-shaped Red Ring Bowl
Geoffrey MossLectern
Terry WiseLeftovers
Lidded Jar
Julie BuyonLidded Jar
Light Above Crescent
Jane CooperLight Above Crescent
Light Blue Opaque Glass Bowl with Black Lip Wrap
Nicholas KekicLight Blue Opaque Glass Bowl with Black Lip Wrap
Light Through Trees
Trish HurleyLight Through Trees
Lime Green Opaque Glass Bowl with Teal Lip Wrap
Nicholas KekicLime Green Opaque Glass Bowl with Teal Lip Wrap
Lime Green Transparent Glass Bowl With Cobalt Lip Wrap
Nicholas KekicLime Green Transparent Glass Bowl With Cobalt Lip Wrap
Lime Popsicles
Geoffrey MossLime Popsicles