"Color Envy" - Paintings by David Eddy, Julio Granda, and Douglass Truth

"Color Envy" - Paintings by David Eddy, Julio Granda, and Douglass Truth

Posted by Lauren Clark on


Three Great Minds in Living Color


August 6 through August 28

Reception for the Artists, Saturday, August 6, 4-7pm

Great minds don’t always think alike, and in the case of these three colorful artists this rings especially true. There is no common theme here-just three career painters whose work I really like-each with their decidedly individual personality and style.

Julio Granda "Feral Nebulae #XXVII"

Julio Granda – “Feral Nebulae #XXVIII” 5″ x 5″

Julio Granda refers to his latest body of work, painted for this show, as “Feral Nebulae”. Tiny, rich works thick with paint coming in and out of focus as starscapes and abstractions. For Granda feral is as much akin to freedom as it is to wildness, and these paintings reflect this theory. His is an expansive view which includes the very definition of nebulae; as quoted from the New Oxford American Dictionary, “A cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter”. This is the artistic world of Julio Granda.

Douglass Truth "Dream of Persimmons"

Douglass Truth – “Dream of Persimmons” 48″ x 48″

Douglass Truth on his work as a painter-“In my paintings, writings and performances, the harlequin, the clown, and other, more mysterious (to me, at least) characters show up to show us, in ways difficult to articulate in our normal linguistic fashion, in which directions we might be coming from, and which we might be going to. To encourage us to take a deeper look, not into the fashionable recreations of the other-worlds and under-worlds that can be found without looking very hard, but into what’s really going on around us in the corner grocery store, our kitchen, our place of work, the cities in which we somehow, miraculously, find ourselves living”.

David Eddy "Girl with Flower"

David Eddy – “Girl with Flower” 28″ x 24″

David Eddy paints wild and wonderful work, haunting and imaginative, managing to make portraits that are sweet and somewhat eerie at the same time. Self taught, he pours a palpable raw energy into his painting-often chasing after images that reveal themselves during the creative process. Delightfully unique faces peer out at the viewer and areas of dazzling yet subdued color show through his scrapings and burst into life across the picture plane.

For more information please contact the gallery.

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